In a new article published on, CODATA President and GO FAIR co-lead Prof. Barend Mons has declared that it is irresponsible to support research but not data stewardship.
A new ALLEA report provides key recommendations to make digital data in the humanities “Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable”, in line with the FAIR principles. The document is designed as a practical guide to help scholars, research funders, professionals and policymakers navigate the shift towards a sustainable data sharing culture.
Increased information sharing, a common FAIR terminology, alignment of recommendations on FAIR policies, contribution to the definition of PID policies between FAIRsFAIR, the EOSC Working Groups and other projects are some of the outcomes documented in a report on their first workshop just published by the FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force.
Representatives from ten data repositories received the first of two rounds of training in CoreTrustSeal certification at DANS in The Hague last week.
The main findings from the FairsFair report on FAIR requirements for persistence and interoperability will be presented and discussed at a webinar to be held on 11 February.
The FAIRsFAIR European Group of FAIR Champions (EGFC) is a highly visible group of experts and inspired influencers engaged on making FAIR data in Europe a reality. It is composed by scientific experts and “doers” in the field of FAIR data. Each EGFC member represents a different stakeholder group and provides advice on operational challenges and policies to improve the adoption of FAIR practices in different scientific communities in Europe.
Some of the recent FAIRsFAIR deliverables are available for consultation. Read more.
As a result of the Open Calls published last summer, twenty-two data repositories will receive support from FAIRsFAIR in achieving CoreTrustSeal Certification or in improving the FAIRness of their data.
CODATA President Barend Mons has issued a statement reminding us that FAIR data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable first and foremost by machines.
At the RDA 14 Plenary in Finland at the end of October, FAIRsFAIR contributed a full-day brainstorming session dedicated to remedying the shortcomings for FAIRness and interoperability of current semantic resources/artifacts and data repositories. Semantics experts, maintainers of semantic registries and data repositories, and representatives from infrastructures were invited to participate.