The CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling Capability Maturity Model aligns the CoreTrustSeal Requirements with the FAIR Data Principles and provides guidance on the levels of capability-maturity on achieving them. 
The CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling Capability Maturity Model consists of a tabular self-assessment template that allows a repository to self-assess using the policies and procedures that guide the  delivery of  (meta)data services.  The self-assessment template is accompanied by a supporting text which describes the alignment between the 15 FAIR Data Principles and the 16 CoreTrustSeal Requirements.  

The CoreTrustSeal + FAIRenabling Capability Maturity Model was designed so that repositories can self assess their trustworthiness and FAIR enabling status simultaneously, with a view to developing and improving their practice.  This approach supports the readiness of a repository for formal CoreTrustSeal certification while also considering FAIR enabling practice. 
Other types of data service can also use the CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling Capability Maturity Model to prepare for future assessments of FAIR enabling capability.  

The self-assessment template and supporting text can be downloaded from Zenodo.

Download the Template

The CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling Capability Maturity Model was developed by the FAIRsFAIR Task 4.1 team which was led by the UK Data Archive at the University of Essex.  

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