The FAIRdata Forum supports the FAIR Competence Centre as an open space for users (individuals, institutions, organisations) to post queries, answers, comments and events notifications pertaining to making data FAIR.

The Forum includes a Help Desk, an area to share expertise and learn from the community. Users will be able to access training material, receive guidance, share best practices whilst actively interacting with other users. It is a virtual space open to everyone.

To be able to enjoy a full user experience, including posting comments or queries, engaging in searchable discussions with other users, collaborating on projects or communicating ideas, you are invited to register. After registration, to get started and familiarise yourself with the platform, please consult the user guide.

FAIRdata forum is based on Discourse, an open source Internet forum application. Contributions to the forum (APIs, Add-ons, etc.) are welcome. Please contact us.

This forum is an open space for discussions which content may enrich the FAIRsFAIR Competence Centre Knowledge Base. Therefore, you are encouraged to share your thoughts and suggestions about the dynamic landscape of FAIR-related matters and also very welcome to leave some feedback on how to improve this platform.