FAIRsFAIR National Roadshow Spain
23 June 2021

The FAIRsFAIR Roadshow will virtually visit Spain on 23 June 2021 to offer a FAIR programme.

EN: On June 23, FAIRsFAIR in collaboration with the Scientific Information Resources Unit for Research (URICI) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) organizes an online event open to the entire Spanish community on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the participation of data repositories. The event is entitled "Green Data Market for Research & the Role of Repositories" and will address, through interventions by members of the FAIRsFAIR project, as well as different Spanish and European initiatives, aspects related to good practices in the policies and management of research data repositories for adherence to the FAIR Principles and inclusion in EOSC. The event will have a bilingual format and will provide an overview of recommendations, services, resources and training for data repositories through experiences from the FAIRsFAIR project itself as well as from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, Science Europe, EOSC SYNERGY, IBERGRID and the CSIC.

ES: El 23 de junio FAIRsFAIR en colaboración con la Unidad de Recursos deInformación Científica para la Investigación (URICI) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) organizan un evento online abierto a toda la comunidad española sobre la Nube Europea de Ciencia Abierta (EOSC) y la participación de los repositorios. El evento tiene como título "Green Data Market for Research & the Role of Repositories" y abordará, a través de intervenciones de integrantes del proyecto FAIRsFAIR, así como de diferentes iniciativas españolas y europeas, aspectos relativos a buenas prácticas en las políticas y gestión de repositorios de datos de investigación para su adhesión a los Principios FAIR y su inclusión en EOSC. El evento tendrá un formato bilingue y dará una panorámica de recomendaciones, servicios, recursos y formación para los repositorios de datos a través de experiencias del propio proyecto FAIRsFAIR como del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España, Science Europe, EOSC SYNERGY, IBERGRID y el CSIC.


  1. Green data market for research: Spanish Green road and the role of repositories: the role of repositories within EOSC
  2. FAIR in practice recommendations for data librarians
  3. Data Stewards and what could a data stewardship curriculum look like and why this is important


This Spain Roadshow session welcomes both English and Spanish speakers as it will be held in both languages.

  • English audience - Research Data community members, ranging from data support staff to policy makers in universities etc.
  • Spanish audience -  both data creators and data repository managers (librarians).


Watch the recording of the workshop


Draft agenda

Intro & welcome
10:00 - 10.05 Presentation of the event - Sara Pittonet, Trust-IT Services and FAIRsFAIR
10:05 - 10:25 Isabel Bernal, CSIC: overview of DIGITALCSIC activities related to EOSC, DIGITAL.CSIC Repository, Unit of Scientific Information Resources for Research, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and EOSC SYNERGY (Spanish)
10:25 - 10:40 General overview of FAIRsFAIR (15 minutes) - Ingrid Dillo, DANS and FAIRsFAIR Coordinator (English)
10:40 - 11:00 Spain in EOSC Inmaculada Figueroa, Higher Officer, Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation - (Spanish)
11:00 - 11.15 Break
Policies/practice or repository-related
11:15 - 11:30 Science Europe DMP rubric- alignment with EC DMPs policy: Science Europe Secretary General Lidia Borrell (Spanish)
11:30 - 11:45 Recommendations & lessons learnt for data repositories (15 minutes) SOCIB and SOCIB Ocean Data Repository: towards FAIR and TRUST data Juan Gabriel Fernandez (Spanish)
11.45 - 12:00 FsF overview of work to support policy enhancement and to share examples of good practices of data steward. Joy Davidson (English), DCC (UK) and FAIRsFAIR
Data and software stewardship curriculum or training focus
12:00 - 12:15 EOSC SYNERGY Tools Development (Hackathon as a service)Marcin Plociennik, PSNC (English), and Gonzalo Ruiz, BIFI (Spanish), EOSC SYNERGY
12.15 - 12:30 EOSC Marketplace: Services and resources through IBERGRIDIsabel Campos (Spanish), Institute of Physics in Cantabria (IFCA)- Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and EOSC-SYNERGY
12:30 - 12:45 Software sustainability - Alvaro Lopez (Spanish), Institute of Physics in Cantabria (IFCA)- Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and EOSC SYNERGY
12:45 - 13.00 FAIRsFAIR training efforts Elizabeth Newbold (English), Open Science Services Group Leader at STFC (UK) and FAIRsFAIR
13:00 - 13:15 Wrap up