10 April 2019 to 12 April 2019
Prague, Czech Republic


After the success of last year's edition, EOSC-hub Week is back on 10-12 April 2019 at the Vienna House Diplomat in Prague, Czech Republic and this year brings together both present and future service providers and users of the EOSC. 
The event comes just after the recent launch of the EOSC last November which saw EOSC-hub's Catalogue of Services incorporated into the new EOSC.
With the EOSC live, the challenge is to enrich EOSC's service offering to cover all the gaps in research services and increase uptake by the research community.

► Check the programme of the EOSC-hub WEEK  


What's up during the EOSC-hub Week

On Friday 12 April FAIRsFAIR will co-organize the first of a series of workshops dedicated to ‘Services to Support FAIR Data’ together with EOSC-Hub , OpenAIRE and RDA Europe. The purpose of this workshop series is to explore how existing infrastructures can work together and understand how to deliver services that support the creation of FAIR research outputs. The three half-day events will examine the scholarly and research ecosystem, what exists, what could be modified, and will give insights into optimum service provisioning. They will also be a chance to engage experts and audiences on how to turn FAIR data into reality. Targeting mainly service providers and research infrastructures, this workshop will be chaired by René van Horik - DANS - and Natalia Manola - ATHENA RC

► Check the agenda of the Workshop ‘Services to Support FAIR Data’


On Friday 12th April from 9:00 to 12:30 am

EOSC-hub / OpenAIRE / FAIRsFAIR / RDA Europe