14 March 2019 to 15 March 2019
CREA - Nieuwe Achtergracht 1701018 WV, Amsterdam Netherlands

Date: 14–15 March 2019

Venue: CREA (Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, 1018 WV Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Room plenary sessions: Muziekzaal on the ground floor

Day 1:  Thursday 14 March 2019

09:30–10:00 Registration and coffee

10:00–10:15 Opening and welcome [Ingrid Dillo, Project Coordinator]

10:15–10:45 Relationship with the EOSC [Konstantinos Repanas, EC DG-RTD] and [Sarah Jones/Juan Bicarregui, EOSC EB]

10:45–11:15 Introduction  [Eliane Fankhauser/Mustapha Mokrane, WP1 Co-leads]

11:15– 12:00 Warming up and getting to know each other

12:00– 12:30 Collaboration with other projects (Lightning talks)

  1. ESFRI-Clusters projects:
    • ENVRI-FAIR [Helen Glaves]
    • EOSC-Life [Serena Battaglia]
    • PanOSC [Jonathan Taylor]
    • SSHOC [Carsten Thiel]
  2. EOSC-Secretariat [Bert Meerman]

12:30–13:30 Lunch

13:30–14:30 Introduction of Work Packages [WP leads]

  • WP2 [Jessica Parland Von Essen, CSC]
  • WP3 [Joy Davidson, DCC]
  • WP4 [Eliane Fankhauser, DANS]
  • WP5 [Sara Pittonet, Trust-IT]
  • WP6 [Brian Matthews, STFC]
  • WP7 [Lennart Stoy, EUA]

14:30–15:45 First WPs session [WP2 to WP4 in Plenary]

15:45–16:45 Time for networking around coffee and cake

+ Help desk on finance and administration

16:45–18:00 Second WPs session [WP5 to WP7 in Plenary]

18:00 End of day 1

19:00 Project dinner

Day 2: Friday 15 March 2019

09:30–10:30 Practical issues: platform, communication tools [Mustapha Mokrane]

10:30–11:00 Energizer

11:00–12:00 First Cross-WPs Breakout session

  1. WP2/WP3/WP6/WP7: Coordinated landscape analyses and surveys: policy, practice, standards, technologies, education
    (T2.1 and T7.1)(T3.1 and T7.1 )(T6.1 and T2.1+T3.1+T7.1)
    [Jessica Parland Von Essen/Brian Matthews]
  2. WP2/WP4: FAIR repositories/services and certification
    (T2.3, T2.4 and T4.1, T4.2)
    [Eliane Fankhauser/Christine Staiger]
  3. WP2/WP3/WP5/WP6/WP7: Embedding FAIR data practice in research through engagement
    (T2.1, T3.1, T3.2, T3.3 and T5.2. T5.3 and T7.5)
    [Sarah Jones/Sara Pittonet]

12:00–13:00 Lunch

13:00–14:00 Second Cross-WPs Breakout session

  1. WP2/WP3: FAIR Semantics and Metadata catalogue integration
    (T2.2 and T3.6)
    [Yann Le Franc/Eva Mendez]
  2. WP3/WP4: FAIR Maturity and Extended FAIR certification requirements
    (T3.3 and T4.1; T3.4 and T4.3)
    [Sarah Jones/Hervé L’Hours]
  3. WP6/WP7: FAIR training and education workshops
    (T7.2, T7.5 and T6.X)
    [Lennart Stoy/Brian Matthews]

14:00–15:00 Outcomes from breakout sessions [WP leads]

15:00–15:30 Wrap up [Ingrid Dillo, Project Coordinator]

15:30–16:00 Final networking around coffee and cakes

16:00 End of meeting