Digital Preservation Reading Club
17 December 2021

Is digital preservation a profession? And if so, what characterizes it as a profession? If you look at a skilled carpenter, the professionalism is defined by the skills of the carpenter, the tools that are used, the flexibility to apply centuries old knowledge in different situations and materials and above all, to expand this knowledge. Although preservationists do not have a centuries old tradition, they adopted well established principles from libraries and archives and other areas and translated them into specific standards. Tools were developed to implement the ingredients of the standards and to apply them into a variety of digital materials. Thus coping with an ever changing digital environment. Training-on-the-job and day to day practice, as well as dedicated educational programs support the preservationists in developing the necessary skills.

Research in digital preservation deserves it to be evaluated and that's why FAIRsFAIR Champion Barbara Sierman, former  Digital Preservation Manager at the KB National Library of the Netherlands, awarded with the Digital Preservation Coalition Fellowship Award  and with the “Lifetime Personal Membership Award” from the Open Preservation Foundation, founded the Digital Preservation Reading Club, which meets every 3 months to discuss one publication related to Digital preservation.


The next meeting is on 19 January 2022 and will debate Chapter 5 of Rhiannon Bettiva’s Encoding power: the scripting of archival structures in digital spaces, using the Open Archival Information Standard (OAIS) Reference Model about the concept of Designated Community. The meeting is open to all preservationists and digital preservation professionists!


More info and registration