EGI Conference 2021: Beyond the Horizon – Shaping the Digital Future
19 October 2021 to 21 October 2021

#EGI2021 will take place from October 19th until 21st. The conference theme is: “Beyond the Horizon: Shaping the Digital Future”.

This event will provide an overview of how the EGI Federation is contributing to shaping the digital future: with EOSC growing more mature, the new EU research funding programme Horizon Europe on its way, and an exciting range of advanced services and innovative computing models supporting research, a new landscape for research is being shaped.

During the event will be showcased new services and tools, investigate technical innovations, explore business opportunities and strategic and policy-related initiatives. It will be a great opportunity to present your work and ideas and to meet your peers and colleagues from all over the world. 

About the Programme

This year’s edition of the EGI conference will count 4 tracks, with a combination of keynotes, workshops and organised sessions, as well as input from submissions. You can submit your proposal within a specific track. However, the programme committee reserves the right to allocate your submission in another track if more appropriate.


On 20th October 11:15 AM, Robert Huber (member of FAIRsFAIR and from University of Bremen) will do a presentation entitled "F-UJI : A Tool for the automated assessment and improvement of the FAIRness of Research Data".

Know more anout the F-UJI tool here.

Official webpage for more info: