Practical implementation of FAIR-related content in university curricula and teaching
12 October 2021

The European University Association and the University of Göttingen as part of the FAIRsFAIR project are organising a workshop on “Practical implementation of FAIR-related content in university curricula and teaching”. The event will take place on 12 October 2021 starting at 10:00 CEST.

The workshop will focus on presenting and gathering feedback on the draft “FAIR Competence Adoption Handbook for Universities” (working title). The handbook will be a practical tool for universities to implement FAIR research data management content and skills training in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral education programmes and will be published in December 2021. During the event, participants will reflect on the value and relevance of the handbook through the lens of practical examples of successful integration of FAIR-related content in higher education programmes.

The handbook aims to address a clear need for universities to have more practical guidance on how to implement FAIR research data management topics in teaching, providing a hands-on framework to support the integration of FAIR competences in higher education programmes, through model curricula, courses and supporting materials. Fostering the professionalisation of FAIR data practices in higher education is one of the key priorities to support the transition to FAIR. While universities express a clear interest in implementing content related to research data management skills and FAIR competences in their curricula, they also identify a lack of practical tools that could support them in this endeavour.

The event will be of interest to university teachers and other professionals involved in the design and implementation of higher education programmes at different levels as well as data practitioners and trainers with an interest to support higher education institutions in this regard.

Draft Agenda

  • 10:00-10:10 - Welcome

    • Federica Garbuglia and Bregt Saenen, FAIRsFAIR and European University Association (Presentation)

  • 10:10-10:25 - Presentation of the adoption handbook “How to be FAIR with your research data – a teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions”

    • Claudia Engelhardt, FAIRsFAIR and University of Göttingen, Germany (Presentation)

  • 10:25-10:55 - Reflections on institutional initiatives and relevance of the adoption handbook

  • 10:55-11:05 - Q&A session

  • 11:05-11:15 - Coffee break 

  • 11:15-11:50 - Breakout groups with Mural exercises

  • 11:50-12:00 - Wrap-up