06 September 2021 to 05 November 2021

This school provides Early Career Researchers (at MSc-level to 3 years after their PhD) and Professionals (who register via ITU Academy) with the necessary set of foundational Data Science skills to enable them to analyse their data in an efficient and effective manner for the 21st century.

The material covered here is fundamental to all areas of Data Science and hence open to researchers from all disciplines that deal with significant amounts of data. The focus is to provide a practical introduction to these topics with extensive labs and seminars.


  • Open Science and Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Introduction to Unix Shell
  • Programming for Analysis
  • Git
  • Research Data Management
  • Author Carpentry
  • Data Visualisation
  • Information Security
  • Machine Learning
  • Computational Infrastructures

The school will be run on an online basis. Participants will be allowed seven days (a week) to complete each topic. Generally the participant would need to make provision for at least seven to eight hours to work through the content of the theme. The content also makes provision for practical exercises and at least one live question and answer session where facilitators will address concerns participants may have. Content will be provided as video lectures as well as presentation slides.

Registration: there is no registration fee.

For more detailed info about programme and speakers, please check: