22 March 2021

Join to learn about the end-to-end publisher workflow to ensure linking and citing of research data and about the latest FAIR data tools. This STM webinar will consist of two talks:
  • Infrastructure for linking & citing research data to literature: end-to-end workflow for publishers: In this presentation, Tasha Mellins-Cohen (independent consultant) and Rachael Lammey (Crossref) will present the end-to-end workflow for linking research data to literature. From capturing data availability and citation information via submission systems, ingesting these into production systems and sending these to Crossref, a complete overview of the infrastructure is provided ensuring research data is properly linking and cited in scientific literature according to the Scholix framework. This presentation will be followed by an Q&A.
  • Tools to support the journey towards FAIR data: In this presentation, Ilona von Stein (FAIRsFAIR) will introduce new FAIR data pilot implementations and tools relevant to publishers: the FAIR-Aware self-assessment tool to raise awareness and educate on data FAIRness and F-UJI, an automated FAIR data assessment tool based on the FAIRsFAIR data object assessment metrics. The practical use of these FAIR assessment tools to foster FAIR data practice and support policy adoption by stakeholders such as publishers will be explored.



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