20 January 2021



The EOSC SYNERGY project has launched a survey of datathon tool developers and users. 

EOSC SYNERGY kicked off in 2019 with the aim of expanding the capacity and capabilities of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by leveraging the experience, effort and resources of national publicly-funded digital infrastructures in Britain, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia and the Netherlands.

The survey has been designed to identify the tools currently in use to support the organisation of datathon events. The information gathered will feed into a project task to explore the varieties of software used in the training and manipulation of research datasets.

To participate, access the survey online at  https://forms.gle/bYbnCrGr7tD1oaoDA by February 15.
The survey will take 10 minutes to complete and the research team will make an aggregated use of the responses only.

Any questions may be directed to isabel.bernal@bib.csic.es at the EOSC SYNERGY Consortium.