15 October 2020

In this FAIRsFAIR workshop on FAIR semantics and semantics for FAIR we will individually evaluate and discuss all the proposed changes to the first iteration of D2.2 FAIR Semantics: First Recommendations.

The deliverable is the result of initial discussions during a brainstorming workshop organised by FAIRsFAIR during a co-located event with the 14th RDA Plenary meeting in Helsinki (2019). They include 17 preliminary recommendations (P-Rec) related to one or more of the FAIR principles, and 10 best practice recommendations (BP-Rec) to improve the global FAIRness of semantic artefacts. The document is the first of three planned versions and aimed to provide a basis for discussion with stakeholders in the semantic community.  Several workshops have been organised since its publication in contexts such as RDA VSSIG, GoFAIR INTER, and FAIRsFAIR to collect feedback. 

The next version will be published by the beginning of 2021.

We invite the experts in the community to take part in the workshop and contribute to this endeavour.


  • 13:00-13:30: Introduction 
  • 13:30- 16:30: Discussion of the recommendation clusters
    • 13:30-14:00: Cluster 1: Identifiers 
    • 14:00- 14:30: Cluster 2: Metadata 
    • 14:30-15:00: Break 
    • 15:00-15:30: Cluster 3: Best practices
    • 15:30-16:00: Cluster 4: Repository
    • 16:00-16:30: Cluster 5: Semantic alignment (upper ontology and mappings)
  • 16:30-17:00: Wrap-Up

Registration for the workshop is mandatory.