EOSC-hub and FAIRsFAIR have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their collaboration and contribution to the European Open Science Cloud.
EOSC-hub is a project set up to create the Hub - an integration and management system of the future EOSC. It offers researchers a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines by federating existing scientific data infrastructures, currently dispersed across disciplines and the EU Member States.
As part of its contribution to the EOSC, EOSC-hub offers a discovery and access channel to FAIR-accredited datasets via the EOSC-hub Marketplace. Given the responsibility of FAIRsFAIR to ensure uptake by the EOSC user base of project outputs - tools, methodologies and guidelines - the collaboration with EOSC-Hub is of strategic importance. This is also true in terms of the necessity to ensure that FAIRsFAIR activities dovetail with the work of other projects and stakeholders in the research data and FAIR space.
Ingrid Dillo, Project Coordinator FAIRsFAIR, says: “We are delighted with this MoU. It provides a firm basis to dovetail our activities aimed at fostering FAIR data practices in Europe and maximise their impact.”
The projects have agreed to work together on the following areas:
FAIRsFAIR and EOSC-Hub will keep each other informed on all their respective activities and on their progress and will consult regularly on areas offering potential cooperation, ensuring coherent and coordinated dissemination of their results.