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In March 2020 FAIRsFAIR published the first iteration of a series of recommendations for making semantic artefact FAIR. The document proposes 17 preliminary recommendations related to one or more of the FAIR principles and 10 best practice recommendations to improve the global FAIRness of semantic artefacts. These initial recommendations should not be considered as a gold standard but rather as a basis for discussion with the various stakeholders of the semantic community.
The FAIRsFAIR task group is looking for feedback and comments from the scientific community on the initial recommendations tabled in the report. They have three main objectives: 1) Gather and document use-cases to test the recommendations, 2) Adapt and use existing tools (such as FAIR Metrics) to evaluate the FAIRness of a large number of semantic artefacts and establish a baseline, 3) Align their work with the outcomes of the RDA FAIR Maturity Working Group (FAIR Maturity Indicators).
These recommendations are derived from the material gathered during the workshop that took place as a co-located event to the RDA 14 Plenary in Espoo on 23 October 2019. In the workshop more than 20 experts brainstormed and discussed the different criteria of FAIR, elaborating on the implications of these requirements on semantic artefacts.
We are seeking wide feedback on this draft. Comments and suggestions can be added directly on each recommendation page below: