01 July 2020

The AtMoDat team is organizing a webinar on the Data Maturity indicator on 1 July 2020 at 16:15 p.m. CEST (UTC+2).

Data maturity is an important topic in data management, which is reflected by a growing number of tools and theories trying to measure it. Data maturity describes the degree of the formalization/standardization of a data object with respect to FAIRness and quality of the (meta-)data.

Currently, the DataCite Metadata Schema does not provide an explicit property to link/store information on data maturity (e.g. FAIRness or quality of data/metadata). The AtMoDat project team drafted an extension to the DataCite Metadata Schema to host such information. This extension is denoted as "Data Maturity Indicator" (see also the Data Maturity Indicator at GitHub).

We would like to present the Data Maturity Indicator and discuss it before we submit it to the DataCite Metadata Working Group. For this purpose we will offer a webinar on the Data Maturity Indicator.

Details on the webinar

  • date and time: 1 July 2020, 16:15 p.m. CEST (UTC+2)
  • duration: approx. 45 minutes in total (20 - 25 min talk, 20 - 25 min questions)
  • place (Meeting ID updated on 23 June!):
  • no registration
  • language: English
  • a link to the presentation will be provided here after the webinar

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