09 July 2020
On line

How to move from FAIR principles to FAIR practice? 


During the past year, the FAIR practice task force under the umbrella of the EOSC FAIR Working Group has been gathering information about the current state of FAIR practices across diverse communities, and formulating recommendations as to how to ensure “FAIR” provides maximum value in the European Open Science Cloud.

In a webinar to be held on Thursday July 9 at 14:00 CEST, the recommendations, which are aimed primarily at research funders and policymakers, will be introduced prior to their submission for community consultation.

Target Audience:

  • Research funders
  • Policymakers
  • EOSC Governance Board and Executive Board
  • Infrastructure providers
  • Data professionals
  • People interested in FAIR practices

And, anyone with an interest in FAIR practices is welcome and encouraged to participate.


Agenda and Registration