28 April 2020

On Wednesday 29 April, the FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force will kick off a series of weekly online sessions with FAIR stakeholders aimed at furthering their contribution to the EOSC and a FAIR vision for Europe. 

The virtual sessions, which effectively replace a single workshop originally scheduled to take place in  Den Haag on April 29 and cancelled due to the COVID-19 emergency, will unite representatives from the Working Groups of the EOSC Executive Board, the ESFRI clusters, the INFRAEOSC5 projects, and the European Group of FAIR Champions in discussions around the six pillars of the FAIR Expert group report Turning FAIR into Reality.

The FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force, which is coordinated by FAIRsFAIR partners DANS, CODATA and Trust-IT Services, is charged with developing and tracking an effective uptake strategy to facilitate the adoption of FAIR data principles, while ensuring coordination with the EOSC governance and related initiatives and projects.

A first workshop, held in Budapest on 25 November 2019, explored interaction between FAIRsFAIR and the five established EOSC Working Groups. The report, structured around the themes of those Working Groups, is available at this link.  

The objective of subsequent workshops is to broaden the engagement between FAIRsFAIR and the other projects and stakeholders within the EOSC ecosystem.  In this second workshop, the focus is enhancing engagement with the EOSC Cluster Projects.  Additionally, in line with the findings of the first report, the second workshop will place greater focus on ‘clustering activities and outputs around recommendations from the Turning FAIR into reality report’.


Following on from the 29 April plenary session, weekly sessions are scheduled between 6 and 14 May, each dedicated to one the six pillars of the Turning FAIR into Reality Report. A final plenary session is to be held on 11 June, during which participants will refine the content of the reports drafted.


How FAIR is Research in Europe?

Wacth the video prepared for the meeting the Synchronisation Force!


For further information about the first workshop of the Synchronisation Force and to access the report, click here