11 December 2019

Last summer FAIRsFAIR announced an Open Call for data repositories seeking support either in achieving CoreTrustSeal Certification or in improving the FAIRness of their data. Twenty-two repositories have now been selected from seventy-three applications. While ten repositories will be assisted with CoreTrustSeal Certification, the remaining twelve will participate in designing implementation features aimed at increasing interoperability. 

Two face-to-face training and consultancy workshops will be organised with the first group during 2020, and in-depth evaluation and certification support delivered to obtain the CoreTrustSeal certification before October 2021. Representatives of the repositories will also be invited to provide feedback on FAIRsFAIR outputs with the aim of identifying a series of repository requirements regarding the implementation of FAIR principles.

For the second group, development work will start from the specifications defined here and will be managed from DTL in the Netherlands. The co-design process will be enlarged and enriched through engagement with a wide community of additional testers and other experts. The target date for the first reference implementation of the data repository features is February 2021. The second implementation will follow a year later. 

For more information, contact details, and the full list of the repositories selected for support, click here