10 July 2019


Ingrid Dillo, Deputy Director at DANS and FAIRsFAIR Project Coordinator, gave an overview of the FAIRsFAIR project during the EOSC Executive Board1 (EB) meeting on 24 May 2019.

Ingrid presented FAIRsFAIR plans on integrating and syncronising the bigger EOSC-project environment and the EOSC EB working groups. The EB members expressed their support to this level of actively seeking integration and suggested that FAIRSFAIR could serve as an example to all EOSC-projects to ensure convergence of planning and positioning. The slides that Ingrid presented are available here


Karel Luyben, Chairman of the EOSC, pointed out that "Ingrid's presentation about FAIRsFAIR was very clear, paying particular attention on the interaction with the development of the EOSC by the EB. The presentation was in line with the workplan and, therefore, very well received. The EB agreed that it would be good for other projects to emulate the model of the "Synchronisation Force". Having reports like this in our meetings was seen as an enrichment by the EOSC EB".


The FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force is the body in charge of providing the FAIRsFAIR General Assembly, Executive Committee and Project Coordination Office with appropriate coordination and interaction with all FAIRsFAIR main stakeholders, namely its European Group of FAIR Champions (EGFC) and the five ESFRI Clusters (PANOSC, SSHOC, ENVRI-FAIR, ESCAPE and EOSC-Life), as well as the thematic and regional EOSC projects (‘5b’): SYNERGY, NORDIC, EOSC-PILLAR, NI4OS-EUROPE, EXPANDS. The Force will organize three focused workshops, for developing and tracking an effective uptake strategy to facilitate adoption of FAIR, while ensuring synchronisation with other initiatives, projects and the EOSC governance. Each workshop will have a dedicated report that will serve as input for a White Paper on FAIR data.


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1 The EOSC EB is the representative body of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), composed of representatives from the research and e-infrastructures communities, appointed by the European Commission. All Executive Board members are appointed in a personal capacity and represent pan-European organisations of relevant for the EOSC implementation, for example large pan-European research infrastructures, eInfrastructures, public research organisations, universities, public research funding organisations and industry organisations. 

PDF icon 20190524 EB Meeting_ FsF_Dillo.pdf1.84 MB