14 July 2020


Input is now sought on the report D4.2 Repository Certification Mechanism: Extended Requirements and Procedures which aligns the characteristics of FAIR digital objects and the repositories that enable FAIRness through the application of the CoreTrustSeal Trustworthy Data Repository Requirements and a capability/maturity evaluation approach.


The aim of the report is to support data infrastuctures on their journey towards certification and the provision of trustworthy repository services that enable FAIR data. As well as describing the co-dependencies between (meta) data objects and their repository environment, and mapping requirements to principles, the report explains the evolving capability/maturity approach and lays out the  design of a governed assessment and certification process. This work will iterate alongside a variety of ongoing data infrastructure initiatives to support a range of stakeholders on their journey towards the provision of trustworthy repository services that enable FAIR data.

Extensive community engagement and feedback are expected. To comment on the report, please access the document here. We welcome your feedback until 10 Aug 2020, and will integrate it into the next milestone release.

The report is also available on ZENODO here.