FAIRsFAIR results on the Horizon Results Platform
01 June 2022


"FAIRsFAIR has delivered exceptional results with significant immediate or potential impact. The sustainability plan mentions a list of 21 outputs (classified as key exploitable results, key outputs and key functions) to further sustain after the end of the project; still, this list does not cover the multiplicity of relevant exploitable results. Crucially, the project significantly advanced the implementation of FAIR practices in Europe"

On the 12th of May FAIRsFAIR underwent its final review with the European Commission experts, presenting the activities, achievements, impact and sustainability plan of FAIRsFAIR. In their initial feedback both the representatives from the Commission as well as the reviewers concluded that the project results are excellent, outstanding and exemplary. These first impressions are confirmed by the final consolidated review report that has been finalised in this days.

"During the reivew it was said that we have created a very high bar for others to strive for. Our self-reflection and honesty, openness and ability to adapt, as well as our extremely collaborative approach both within the project itself as with external parties, were highly praised. The EC stated that as a project we practiced what we preached: FAIRness and Openness". Ingrid Dillo, FAIRsFAIR Coordinator


FAIRsFAIR results are now available for the Research Community in the European Open Science Cloud framework and accessible through:

The Horizon Results Platform, the entry point for policy-makers, investors, entrepreneurs, researchers and experts where to discover the wealth of EU-funded research results and get in contact with their creators. FAIRsFAIR results are searchable by acronym or by typing the keyword: FAIR

Search now on the Horizon Results Platform

FAIRsFAIR Community on Zenodo: the FAIRsFAIR community on Zenodo counts more than  240 items, among deliverables, reports, datasets, presentations and posters. FAIRsFAIR resources have been donwloaded more than 45.000 times ,of which 1300+ datasets downloads and 20+ software downloads

Browse the Community

FAIRsFAIR website: revamped in January 2022 to ensure a proper user-experience based legacy after the conclusion of the project, the FAIRsFAIR website will be maintained online for the next 5 years after the conclusion of the project.
