12 March 2020

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, the declaration by the World Health Organisation of a pandemic and consequent movement restrictions imposed in countries all around Europe, FAIRsFAIR is postponing the FAIRsFAIR 2020 meeting and all related workshops scheduled to take place from 28 to 30 April 2020 in The Hague, The Netherlands until further notice. 

The organising committee has just made the decision to postpone the meetings - including the Synchronisation Force meeting, the General Assembly and WP dedicated workshops, in the interest of the health and safety of all FAIRsFAIR partners and delegates.

We have been working over the past weeks to organise this event but these efforts won’t be lost. FAIRsFAIR is closely monitoring the development of the Covid-19 situation and considering the possibility to move the event to a more convenient date in summer, following the official recommendations coming from relevant institutions. In the meantime, we are hoping to embrace the opportunity to turn some of the FAIRsFAIR2020 sessions into virtual meetings. We will update the community on these efforts in the coming days and would appreciate your support in this approach. 

We are working out the next steps in terms of logistics, which we will communicate as soon as possible. In the meantime, please write to info@fairsfair.eu with any questions.


The FAIRsFAIR team