06 May 2020
Virtual Event


The FAIR principles make a clear distinction between data and their metadata. Metadata has a crucial role in providing information about data so that potential data users will be able to decide whether the data match their needs. In a globally distributed data scenario, the possibility to interact with different repositories commonly improves interoperability and, therefore, results in efficiency gains for all stakeholders.

In a virtual, half-day workshop organised by the team behind the recently published report D2.3 which defines the key features of FAIR repositories, standard interfaces for metadata interaction between repositories will be defined, using work on FAIR Data Point as the basis for discussion.

Closely linked to a preceding workshop entitled Minimum Metadata Schema for semantic artefacts to be held on 29 April, the workshop will be of interest to experts on vocabulary services, semantic tools and interoperability. Delegates are warmly invited to register for both events. 

Preliminary Agenda

  • 14:45 Opening of the zoom room (for connection testing)
  • 15:00 - 15:05 Welcome and start of the meeting 
  • 15:05 - 15:35 Semantic metadata for repositories, why? 
  • 15:35 - 16:05 Semantic metadata for repositories, how? 
  • 16:05 - 16:15 break for the loo ;-)
  • 16:15 - 16:50 Introduction of (up to) 6 repositories (each 7 min - no questions)
  • 16:50 - 17:00 Questions to the repositories.
  • 17:00 - 17:10 break for the loo ;-)
  • 17:10 - 17:50 Working session (in parallel rooms):
  • Find answers/ideas to the following questions: T.b.c
  • 17:50 - 18:00 break for the loo ;-) (Moderators for rooms will prepare their conclusions)
  • 18:00 - 18:30 presentation of results 5 min each & following steps
  • 18:30 End of the workshop

Registration for the workshop is mandatory and needs approval by the FAIRsFAIR team. REGISTRATION CLOSED

Access to this meeting is only possible through registration for the event. In case of any difficulties joining the meeting please contact


Don't miss the FAIRsFAIR half-day Workshop on minimum metadata schema for semantic artefacts on 29th April. Learn more