17 February 2020
Dublin, Ireland


FAIRsFAIR is organising a half-day workshop at IDCC2020 on how to support  FAIR data culture.

Bringing about the necessary culture change among researchers in all disciplines depends upon other stakeholders in the research ecosystem actively playing their parts in supporting and encouraging FAIR practice. FAIRsFAIR aims to help build a culture of FAIR data in research organisations and groups by providing practical solutions for the application of FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle.

The workshop, entitled "Ten things you can do to support the FAIR data culture", will present initial recommendations for fostering a culture of FAIR data based on the findings which have emerged from the first year of project activity in areas including standards, technical interoperability, policy development, harmonisation, data stewardship skills, and formal education. Participants will have the opportunity to further refine and shape these recommendations and offer suggestions regarding the support required to put the refined recommendations into practice, and how such support might best be provided.

Topics for discussion:

  • Improving the interoperability of FAIR objects
  • Increasing the production and use of FAIR data
  • Building networks of Trusted Digital Repositories and supporting their certification
  • Fostering data stewardship skills development
  • Embedding FAIR data education into university programmes

2020 International Digital Curation Conference Dublin, Ireland February 17-20, 2020. This is the 15th of these major international conferences on digital curation. The programme is focused on community, the various stakeholders that play a role in ensuring digital objects are properly created, managed and shared. Know more about IDCC 2020