24 August 2020
University of Zurich

UZH Summer School on the Fundamentals of Open Data, Research Data Management, and Open Access


Skills and competences related to data literacy as well as data management have become indispensable in today’s data-driven research environment, both in the STEM fields and in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Furthermore, there has been a significant shift towards Open Science in most academic disciplines in recent years. This is also due to more and more funder mandates asking that data and publications be made available as Open Data and Open Access, with the aim to make research more transparent, collaborative, and impactful.

This UZH Summer School offers to the pupils the chance to develop skills needed to engage in the important fields of Open Data, Research Data Management, and Open Access. Through talks and workshops led by national and international experts, the Summer School will provide you with a deeper understanding of these topics, and give you valuable hands-on experience. The goal is to ensure that young scientists and scholars are aware of the opportunities, but also of the disciplinary challenges of Open Science, and of Open Data and Open Access in particular.

Topics of talks and workshops include:

  • Open Data, FAIR Data, and the reproducibility of research
  • DMP writing lab
  • How to find a suitable data repository
  • Copyright and licenses
  • How to deal with sensitive data
  • Preprints and Open Peer Review
  • How to select an Open Access journal
  • European Open Science projects