21 October 2019
Espoo, Finland

From 23rd to 25th October 2019 the 14th RDA Plenary meeting will take place in Helsinki, Finland. FREYA will be present and will engage with the PID community. On October 21st FREYA will organise a half-day event.  Through demos and tutorials it will encourage a discussion on the use of PIDs in the context of the EOSC.

  • Venue: Lecture room "Majakka" at Otakaari 1 / Aalto University, Espoo
  • When: 14:00 - 18:00 
  • Target Audience: RDA members and members of EOSC projects with an interest in persistent identifiers, providers of research infrastructures . 


Project FREYA: connecting knowledge in the European Open Science Cloud 

The FREYA project is a European project that focuses on building the sustainable infrastructure for persistent identifiers (PIDs) as a core component of Open Science, in the EU and globally. The project is now halfway and we would like to take this opportunity to showcase the outcomes of the first half and get input on the second half of the project. One of the key goals of FREYA is to connect new and existing PID services to make the most of the information available in different PID systems. We are therefore building a PID Graph, a network of integrated PID systems, as a basis for a wide range of services. This PID Graph allows us to explore the connections between different entities involved in research and answer questions such as: ‘were research outputs funded by the European Commission cited in research articles’, ‘were datasets created by a particular researcher viewed or downloaded by other researchers’, ‘who has been involved in the development of a research result’, ‘can I find the original experiment to validate a research publication’, or ‘what was the impact of developing a new scientific instrument’. FREYA believes PIDs are crucial building blocks within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and is committed to the sustainability of PID services for the benefit of open science, working in the context of the EOSC, the RDA and globally, as well as uniting a global PID stakeholder community. With this event we intend to showcase the work FREYA has done and enable interested stakeholders to use the services developed within FREYA. To this end, we will be offering interactive demos and tutorials to enable participants to try the new functionality themselves. In addition, we welcome a discussion on PIDs and the use of PIDs in the context of the EOSC.

About the event

Persistent identifiers are a fundamental building block of research data, as recognised by the very first of the FAIR Data Principles. Thus getting the use of PIDs right, providing services to support them and extending the range and power of their functionality are all necessary to enable the use of research data for effective decision making and tracking the impact of those decisions. PIDs are already an important theme of RDA, with an active Interest Group and a number of other WGs developing recommendations for particular aspects of the use of PIDs. FREYA is a major project in this domain that not only includes leading PID experts (from e.g. ORCID, DataCite, and Crossref) but also user organisations involved in major societal challenges, including analysing the genome for better health, developing better materials for advanced manufacturing, and understanding the environment for a sustainable planet, as well as exploring the fundamen! tal physics of the universe and preserving the collective memory of society. Examples used to illustrate the work of the project will be taken from these societal and research challenges and attendees will be encouraged to consider how the results could impact their own domain of interest.

More info:

If you wish to attend the event please fill in this registration form