25 November 2019
Budapest, Hungary, Danubius Hotel Helia


The 1st FAIR Synchronisation Workshop takes place on 25 November 2019 from 2-6 pm at the Danubius Hotel Helia, Venus Room. It is organised in conjunction with the EOSC Symposium 2019. It will be attended by representatives from the EOSC Working Groups, the FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force, and FAIR Task Force representatives from EOSC 5B projects.

The objective of this workshop is to help survey the landscape of FAIR activities in relation to EOSC and to identify areas where dialogue and collaboration can be encouraged.  To help achieve this, participants have been asked to prepare a concise overview of their role in the larger EOSC landscape, details of their project plans, and their deliverables related to FAIR until the end of June 2020. The information shared during this workshop will be the basis for harmonisation efforts to bring together the various actors working in the FAIR ecosystem and to build a functioning EOSC and active community around EOSC.  As such, it will also provide input to the first of three reports for the European Commission on the FAIR ecosystem with recommendations to encourage dialogue, coordination, collaboration and harmonisation of effort.

The purpose of this first workshop is to identify overlaps, divergences and challenges in the adoption of FAIR principles and practices in the EOSC framework with a special focus being given to the interaction between FAIRsFAIR and the five established EOSC Working Groups.

The second (to be organised in May 2020) and third workshops will aim to broaden the engagement between FAIRsFAIR and the other projects and stakeholders in the EOSC ecosystem. These workshops will be structured around key common themes and areas of interest that have been agreed together with INFRAEOSC projects, such as the national and thematic (‘5b’) projects, the horizontal projects and the ESFRI-clusters.

Each workshop will produce a report. All three reports aim to contribute to a FAIRsFAIR White Paper due in April 2021. The White Paper will provide a set of prospective recommendations for how to encourage alignment and synchronisation around FAIR, Open Science and EOSC. As well as providing information about progress on turning FAIR into reality. 


Date: 25 November 2019, 14:00-18:00

Venue: Budapest, Danubius Hotel Helia, Venus Room


  • 14:00 - 14:15   Opening; Intro to FAIRsFAIR & purpose of the Synchronisation Force     
  • 14:15 - 14:30   FAIR Landscape Overview 
  • 14:30 - 15:00   Presentation of FAIRsFAIR Work Plan             
    • Rules of Participation                        
    • Landscaping                           
    • Architecture                           
    • Sustainability                            
    • Training and Skills                       
  • 15:00 - 15:40    Presentation of Work Plan from the EOSC WGs 
    • Rules of Participation WG (Uranus Room)
    • Landscaping WG (Saturnus Room)
    • Architecture WG (Fidelio Room)
    • Sustainability WG (Mars Room)
    • FAIR WG (Venus Room)
  • 15:40 - 15:50   Coffee Break - C Lobby - 1st floor
  • 15:50 - 16:50   Parallel Breakout Sessions per EOSC WG 
  • 16:50 - 17:45   Feedback Session from the Breakouts                
  • 17:45 - 18:00   Questions, discussion, next steps


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