19 May 2020
On line

Ingrid Dillo, Deputy Director at DANS, and project coordinator of FAIRsFAIR, will deliver a presentation during the Multi-stakeholder webinar on Research Data, organised by STM 
She will present the efforts by FAIRsFAIR around collaboration and synchronization among various FAIR stakeholders in Europe that follow out of the recommendations from the Turning FAIR into reality report from 2018.

Moderated by Joris van Rossum, Research Data Director of STM, this webinar will give the floor to various stakeholders that play an equally important role in ensuring FAIR Research Data that will give an update on their efforts. This will be followed by a discussion on how greater alignment can be established between policy makers, funders, universities, publishers and others.

Regardless of the field of study and discipline, sharing data is one of the most fundamental aspects of maintaining the integrity of research. The availability of research data plays a vital role in ensuring reproducibility and the ongoing development of Open Science.

As has been frequently observed, embracing open science requires a culture change in the entire researcher workflow. It requires rethinking the way in which research is undertaken, shared, published, evaluated, rewarded and curated, which requires a coordinated effort by all participants in the ecosystem.


Universities, libraries, policy makers, funders, researchers and publishers that are working on or are interested in promoting Open and FAIR data 

Read here for more info and to sign up!