FAIRsFAIR Roadshow - Ireland
16 March 2021

When: 16 March 2021, 1:00pm-3:00pm GMT

The FAIRsFAIR Roadshow will visit Ireland on 16 March 2021 to offer the national research community a FAIR programme in collaboration with the NORF Working Group on FAIR data

Aimed at facilitating a conversation on best practices for enabling FAIR data at the national level, the event  will feature topics including:

  • Support for FAIR data through policy enhancement
  • Professionalising data stewardship
  • Monitoring FAIR data and open science

Participants will be encouraged to give feedback on each topic.

The event is the first in the Open Research in Ireland series being organised by the National Open Research Forum (NORF). NORF has been developing a National Open Research Landscape Report to summarise progress and challenges in each of the strategic areas of Ireland’s National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment.

This FAIRsFAIR Roadshow will be of interest to researchers, research support staff (data stewards, managers and coordinators), librarians, and funder representatives.

We encourage research data support staff to invite the researchers they work with and vice-versa: strengthening this type of collaboration is at the core of FAIR best practices!

Location: Zoom Webinar


