Open science is becoming a standard practice in the European Research Area, both within the EC framework programmes and national research funding. The Commission for Research and Development Work of the University of Ljubljana and OpenAIRE-Advance will organise a workshop targeted at Slovenian researchers, providing all the latest updates on open science developments.
The workshop takes place on Thursday, 23 January 2020 and focuses on research data management for FAIR and open research data, as well as on the European Open Science Cloud initiative.
Anusuriya Devaraju (University of Bremen), Project Partner of FAIRsFAIR, will do a 30-min presentation about " FAIR assessment of research data", focused on FAIR principles, a set of guiding principles to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Plus, a set of metrics to quantify levels of FAIRness will be presented as well.
Please find the full agenda and registration form at this link.
The main workshop language will be Slovenian with the exception of some English presentations. Find here the original page in Slovenian, with further information on the live streaming.