07 June 2021 to 10 June 2021

The 16th International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2021, will be held online from 7-10 June 2021 across multiple time zones. Registration is free. The organisers are pleased to invite you to contribute to the program.  The conference theme is: Open for all. How well do repositories support knowledge in the service of society? How well do they enable local knowledge sharing and support not only academic use, but also use in education and practice?

On 7th June 2021 09:30-11:00 UTC, FAIRsFAIR is organising a 1h30min session on "How repositories can increase their FAIR share"


To better support wider sharing and reuse of research data, many organisations and research groups are developing strategies to foster a FAIR data culture – i.e., one where data are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. Repositories play a central role in enabling FAIR data practice and open scholarship. During last year’s Open Repositories conference, the European Commission funded FAIRsFAIR project shared a draft transition programme which is intended to support repositories on their journeys to become more FAIR-enabling by developing guidance and sharing examples of good practice in relation to supporting the production and use of FAIR data. In 2021’s follow-up workshop we share lessons learned in a more intimate collaboration with ten repositories and introduce two online tools for FAIR data assessment. This is the starting point for a discussion about the practical support that repositories may need on their FAIR journey. At the end of this 90-minute workshop for repository managers, research data librarians and data stewards, attendees will have an overview of the FAIRsFAIR materials available to support them in preparing for repository certification as well as the tools for FAIR data assessment provided by the project.


This workshop is mainly aimed at repository managers, research data librarians and data stewards.

Draft Agenda

  • 5min - Warming up exercise 
  • 5min - Sketch of the FAIRsFAIR support programme for repositories 
    • 3x5 - Lessons learned presented
  • 10min - FAIRsFAIR assessment tools F-UJI and FAIR-Aware
  • 10min - Break
  • 20min - Discussion: what support do you need to become more trustworthy and FAIR-enabling? 
  • 15min - Hands-on exercise with FAIR-Aware or F-UJI
  • 10min - Feedback and wrap-up

Findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) data are an increasingly important aspect of open scholarship. Increasing the production and use of FAIR data requires a wide range of stakeholders across the research ecosystem to actively play their parts. FAIRsFAIR - Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe - aims to supply practical solutions for applying the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle, which can be included in the strategies that research organisations and other stakeholders implemented to enable a FAIR data culture.

This workshop will focus on the work FAIRsFAIR carries out in collaboration with repositories - as crucial components in the FAIR ecosystem - to enable them to play their role in helping to make and keep data FAIR over time. Given, for instance, a key recommendation in a recent report of the EOSC Working Group FAIR - “We strongly recommend that repositories and services wanting to join EOSC use the certification framework criteria to check and improve their practices, with the aim to progress towards certification​” - we foresee that more repositories aim to take steps towards certification as being trustworthy, and/or to become an obvious stakeholder in the FAIR data life cycle. 

FAIRsFAIR works closely with ten data repositories on these topics supporting them on the way to CoreTrustSeal certification. So far, the support programme consisted of mentored feedback on applications and three workshops with the cohort on specific aspects. Both supported repositories and FAIRsFAIR mentors will share some lessons learned in this process with OR2021 workshop participants, indicating how various roles such as repository managers or data stewards can support service development and benchmarking and certification activities. Workshop participants will get access to the materials that were developed for the three workshops FAIRsFAIR has organised for the supported repositories. 

Next, we will introduce a couple of tools for FAIR data assessment: FAIR-Aware, a self-assessment tool to raise awareness and educate on data FAIRness and F-UJI, an automated FAIR data assessment tool. With this input participants will discuss what practical support they need on the journey towards supporting FAIR data and providing a trustworthy service.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this workshop, attendees will have an overview of the FAIRsFAIR materials available to support them in preparing for repository certification as well as the tools for FAIR data assessment provided by the project.