FAIRsFAIR, EOSC-Synergy and NORF Data Steward Instructor Training 12-16 July 2021
12 July 2021 to 16 July 2021

Together, FAIRsFAIR, EOSC Synergy and Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF) will deliver a three day instructor training workshop to support the development of data stewardship skills among staff in higher education institutions and other research performing organisations in Ireland. A key aim of this workshop is to empower a network of peers where best practices are exchanged and where those with more experience can share their knowledge with those just getting started.



This workshop aims to introduce participants to the key concepts and drivers for Open Science, Research Data Management (RDM) and FAIR data, to consider the existing local support service they can leverage and to identify areas where collaboration with peer institutions on support provision will be beneficial.  

Participation in this workshop is by invitation only, with the aim of bringing together a network of peers from a broad range of institutions across Ireland.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Be able to explain some of the political drivers for RDM, FAIR and Open Data 
  • Be able to explain the difference between FAIR and Open Data to researchers  
  • Be able to develop training courses to be run at their own institution using open learning resources
  • Understand the range of skills and knowledge associated with data stewardship
  • Collectively identify areas where collaboration on service provision is most beneficial
  • Have established a network of peers providing RDM support in Ireland

Programme overview (in BST time-zone)

Day 1: Introduction and key messages (12th July, 10:00-12:00 & 14:00-15:00)

  • Introduction to RDM, FAIR and Open Science
  • Introduction to pedagogy
  • Course development activity 
  • Introduction to Data Management Plan (DMP) exercise 

Day 2: Data Stewardship skills and knowledge (14th July, 10:00-12:00)

  • Understanding Responsible and Open Research: Roles for Data Stewards
  • Group discussion (DMP case studies)

Day 3: RDM service development and optimisation (16th July, 10:00-12:00)

  • Introduction of RDM service models and functions 
  • Group discussion (RDM service development)
  • Training activity based on RISE model 
  • Group activity to consider future goals and next steps


  • Daniel Bangert, Digital Repository of Ireland
  • Louise Bezuidenhout, University of Oxford
  • Linas Cepinskas, DANS, EOSC Synergy
  • Helen Clare, Jisc, EOSC Synergy
  • Aoife Coffey, University College Cork
  • Joy Davidson, Digital Curation Centre, FAIRsFAIR
  • Hugh Shanahan, University of London, FAIRsFAIR
  • Venkataraman Shanmugasundaram, Digital Curation Centre


Daniel Bangert, National Open Research Coordinator, DRI (d.bangert@ria.ie)

Aoife Coffey, Research Data Coordinator, UCC (aoife.coffey@ucc.ie)



FAIRsFAIR - Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe - aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle. Its emphasis is on fostering FAIR data culture and the uptake of good practices in making data FAIR. 

EOSC Synergy has the goal to expand the capacity and capabilities of EOSC by leveraging the experience, effort and resources of national publicly-funded digital infrastructures. In particular it develops a new channel to support the build up of EOSC human capabilities.

Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF) was established to drive the Irish agenda for open research. Its role is to propose national actions to address the challenges of changing the Irish research system to strengthen, promote or better support open research practices. NORF is currently developing a National Action Plan to help realise the objectives of Ireland’s National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment