The ESFRI Clusters at RDA House of Commons
19 April 2021

One and a half years after the RDA session in Helsinki, the five ESFRI cluster projects, the RDA community, and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) representatives come together again, to discuss the past, present and future of their collaboration during the journey of integrating thematic services into EOSC. The debate will look at the commonalities and collaboration in the ESFRI clusters, when contributing to the European Open Science Cloud on three pillar topics: 

  • Thematic data services;
  • Connecting to end-user communities;
  • Governance.

For each of these topics, the ESFRI cluster projects will ask for input from members of the international RDA community, the ESFRI community, EOSC ecosystem and data experts and domain researchers being the end-user community. Input from these stakeholder groups will be collected through their involvement in the debating team and the active audience engagement.  Please note that this event is free-of-charge.

The ESFRI Clusters at RDA House of Commons Debate. How does it work?

Each debate topic will have two teams, making their point: 

  • the green team in favor of defending the statement and
  • the red team arguing against the statement made.

Both teams will map the current situation of commonalities of data services, training and governance in the ESFRI cluster projects contributing to the EOSC ecosystem. Participants will discuss the barriers and accelerators for the work ahead and collaborate in contributing to EOSC.  You, the audience, will be engaged actively through the statement voting system and opportunities to provide live contributions in the house-of-commons style debate. The debate will be recorded and captured in a joint report, with practical recommendations on commonalities and collaboration for thematic services, training and governance towards EOSC to take back to the ESFRI cluster projects and future EOSC projects and initiatives. 

Three topics, three debates

  • Debate 1: Thematic data services: Within the five cluster projects, ENVRI-FAIR, EOSC-life, ESCAPE, PANOSC and SSHOC we see different aspirations between infrastructure initiatives prioritising stable general data management services, and the research communities prioritising long-term user-driven data workflows.
  • Debate 2: Onboarding Communities and End-Users: We’ll be learning from the best practices in the international RDA community and FAIRsFAIR champions community.
  • Debate 3: Governance: Which models for shaping future collaboration and result exploitation have been identified as a suitable vehicle for the consortia involved in the current cluster projects? Which impact will the establishment of EOSC have on the interest from countries in funding European RIs? What are the best practices for formal collaboration with RIs outside of Europe?

FAIRsFAIR Contribution to the event


