04 August 2019 to 16 August 2019
Trieste, Italy

Data Stewards play an essential and functional role in data management, helping and accompanying researchers throughout the research process. They do so by providing information and guidelines about data policies and standards, ensuring they are turned into practice within the steward’s domain. They also help to implement the FAIR Data Principles and co-constructing a Data Management Plan (DMP). Data Stewards interact with many stakeholders including policymakers, researchers, data scientists, IT personnel and technicians.

Part of the FAIRsFAIR Initiative, the 2019’s edition of the CODATA-RDA Summer School was dedicated to data stewardship and was held in Trieste, Italy in August 2019. Five participants were also selected to attend this parallel strand of the annual Data Steward School.

  • During the first week of the Data Steward School’s pilot programme, all participants followed a common learning curriculum with the Early Career Researchers. 
  • For the second week, data stewards set off on a different course of learning covering more related topics such as Metadata, Persistent Identifiers, Data Discovery, DMPs, Repositories and Linked Data.  One of the tasks was to prepare a data stewardship action plan that was to be implemented in the six months following the course.

The FAIRsFAIR-CODATA-RDA data steward’s programme is highly recommended to every data scientist, data steward and early-career researcher as it provides both substantial knowledge and training in the foundational skills of Research Data Science, essential for conducting good research.

FAIRsFAIR-CODATA-RDA 2019 Summer School official website


CODATA-RDA Summer School training materials:


Audio diaries by Sanjin Muftić, one of the Data Steward students Video interview with the students - Session 2018-2019