22 September 2021
On line

Jointly organised by FAIRsFAIR, with OntoCommons and FairSharing, the Workshop "Applying FAIR principles to open science and industry to drive innovation: challenges and opportunities" takes place on 22 September at 16:30 CEST, during the Open Science FAIR 2021.

The workshop is a meeting point with the Open Science community, and the opportunity for the participants to gather inputs and suggestions for implementing FAIR and Open Science/Data.

The Target Audience is mainly data managers, applied researchers (e.g., industrial applications) and open science researchers, ontologists/knowledge engineers who are looking for guidance towards making their data FAIR.


A glimpse to the FAIR initiative/projects landscape

  • 16:30 - 16:40    FAIRsFAIR perspective, Hanna Koivula (CSS)
  • 16:40 - 16:55    FAIR in practice: FAIRsharing and the FAIR Cookbook, Allyson Lister (University of Oxford), Anna Assunta Sansone (University of Oxford)

OntoCommons and FAIR principles

Implementing FAIR: practical examples from the OntoCommons project

  • 17:10 An industrial demonstrator, Ana Correia (ATB) and Sebastian Scholze (ATB)
  • 17:20 Driving Industrial Innovation with Open Science, Martin Horsch (HLRS)

Interactive session: What should we do to foster FAIR implementation and Open Science in industry?


Register now! 


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