Aligning Research Data Management Across Europe - Science Europe
27 January 2021

In January 2019, Science Europe published its ‘Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management’ (RDM Guide). This Guide has been quickly takenup and implemented by a number of organisations, referenced as good practice by the European Commission, and serves as training material in several universities. As a next step, and following feedback received from Science Europe Member Organisationsand other research stakeholders, a new tool has been developedand added to the 2nd edition of the RDM Guide. This tool, in form of a rubric, is based on the content of the original RDM Guide and provides guidance to everyone who is called to evaluate a DMP, such as research officers, reviewers and institutional data managers. Researchers might also find it useful to validate the information they provide in their draft DMPs.

This webinar serves to present the new, extended version of the RDM Guide and to continue the dialoguewith the broader research community on the importance of research data management for Open Science.

More information and the event programme can be found at this page




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