This WP sets out a strategy for communication and dissemination, and provides guidance to the project partners as to how to promote their activities to their respective target audiences and obtain maximum visibility. 

A continuous series of activities are being implemented to create a large, international community with members from different European countries, sectors and disciplines to become FAIR multipliers, and, ultimately, active adopters of and advocates for FAIRsFAIR outcomes - a “FAIR data community” which understands the ideals and benefits of FAIR and their relation to innovation both as it applies to research and also in industry.  A wide yet consistent communication approach is articulated around an online web platform ( integrated with social network channels, offering high-quality resources and articles, branded promotional material and multimedia content designed to raise awareness, support training initiatives, and encourage FAIR adoption. The participation to and organisation of focused workshops, aligned and possibly collocated with the EOSC main governance meetings to maximise project results is also part of the implementation of WP5 activity plan.

All in all, the WP5 related measurable variables will be tracked through a dedicated, in-house monthly flash report and shared with the consortium.

Moreover, WP5 collaborates with WP1 to establish and manage two advisory boards: the High Level Advisory Committee (HLAC) and the European Group of FAIR Champions (EGFC). The HLAC advises the project on its strategic decisions; the members of the EGFC take the roles of ambassadors. WP5 is also responsible for setting up and chairing the pan-project Synchronisation Force. This group provides appropriate visibility to all FAIRsFAIR stakeholders, organises three focused workshops, develops and tracks an effective uptake strategy to facilitate adoption of FAIR. It also ensures synchronisation with other initiatives, projects and EOSC governance.

Key Tasks

  • Ensure a ​coordinated and continued communication​ of the ​FAIRsFAIR ​project, providing appropriate visibility to all stakeholders
  • Deliver and maintain an ​actionable communication plan with feasible KPIs​, describing all global, outreach activities that are going to be performed to support ​stakeholders ​and their engagement
  • Map the portfolio of the project’s dissemination ​results ​and its subsequent ​assets ​against the particular target stakeholder group
  • Organise and roll-out​ focused workshops​ with a concertation focus and relevant initiatives that maximises project results
  • Develop and track an ​effective uptake strategy​ to facilitate adoption for end users and obtain user feedback
  • Bring together the FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force​ that focuses on issues around FAIR Principles, Data & Services
  • Collaborate ​with the EOSC Secretariat, providing specific output, to the EOSC Executive board

Partners Involved

  • Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW-DANS)
  • CSC - IT Center for Science (CSC)
  • University of Edinburgh - Digital Curation Centre (UEDIN)
  • European University Association (EUA)
  • The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
  • Trust-IT Services (Trust-IT)
  • Committee on Data of the International Council for Science (CODATA)
  • DataCite (DATACITE)
  • University of Bremen (UniHB)
  • Stichting SPARC Europe (SE)
  • UK Data Archive (UKDA)